Mental Health Platform

Affordable for every hospital, clinic and medical practice to have the very best equipment, supplies and service.

The Journey Begins

Mental Health Conditions

According to the American Psychiatric Association, although all genders may have mental health conditions, they may differ in the risk, prevalence, manifestations, duration, and treatment of mental disorders..

Our experts will support you in understanding and managing the symptoms you are experiencing-whether or not you have a formal psychiatric diagnosis.

Our experts have also received training to support women and non-binary individuals, and they are experiencing:

  • Mood Disorders
  • Anxiety
  • Depression
  • Eating Disorders
  • Personality Disorders
  • Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)

Women, Non-Binary Individuals and Family

More than two-thirds of the main caregivers are people who are designated as women at birth, and they need to take care of their partners, parents and children. Although this brings happiness to many people, it can also be a major source of stress. In addition, the need to manage competitive paid and unpaid work/time can have a significant impact on their physical, biological, social, and mental health, as well as their financial security and independence.

If you are facing any kind of issues at home that cause distress, reach out to us. We offer support to women and non-binary individuals experiencing distress related to:

  • Maladaptive family dynamics
  • Challenges due to societal Issues
  • Marriage and Divorce
  • Gender based violence
  • Intimate partner violence
  • Parenting difficulties
  • Challenges during COVID-19

Workplace Mental Health

If you consider yourself to be a female or a non-binary individual, then the challenges you face in the workplace need to be better understood. The inequality faced at work, especially married professional women or individuals from different marginalized groups, not only affects their mental health, but also affects the mental health of those around them. Our platform focuses on understanding how mental health issues affect women and working non-binary individuals and housewives, and how mental health professionals can best understand this global phenomenon to improve their professional and social functions

Talk with an Our expert, if you are experiencing:

  • Job related stress
  • Burnout at work
  • Work-life balance
  • Bullying and harassment
  • Facing discrimination on the basis of gender

Gender Identity and Sexuality

If you identify as lesbian, bisexual, queer, transgender*, or non-binary, you are likely to encounter challenges that look the same but are significantly different from other LGBTQIA+ individuals or heterosexuals.

Our experts can support you with:

  • Gender Dysphoria
  • Issues at home, college or work
  • Coming out of the closet
  • Questioning and exploring your identity
  • Discrimination faced because of your gender identity and sexual orientation
  • Relationship issues
  • Navigating through the landscape of intimacy

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