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Bulk order All Type of PPE Kit Browse catalogue BeneVision Series See More. With Ease. we believe the best way to predict the future
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Breathe In Future. Connecting Care in the Hospital dedicatedly designed for women and neonatal healthcare, providing an innovative experience from inside out. These innovations are developed based on in-depth insights into complex clinical scenarios, providing accurate and timely answers as well as outstanding efficiency and remarkable user experience.
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Protective Gears for Covid Protection Don’t miss it!

The Journey Begins

We envision a world where everyone can use the best health care services

Our mission is to provide high quality, sophisticated, technologically superior products to the corporates and industries. Through these products, we aim to contribute towards a happier and healthier workforce and thus help organisations achieve their growth potential and business objectives.

It is our social responsibility to seek out and improve the quality of life for everyone regardless of age, sex, gender, religion, or other social barriers placed upon them. To do this we, as a medical manufacture, develop and create the best medical equipment we can to provide medical solutions for practitioners and patients worldwide. In the ever evolving medical world of today we listen and understand the needs of today to foresee the needs of the future and deliver our solutions in an environmentally friendly and sustainable method for the benefit of future generations.

by Sanjay Dubey

Tests Parameters Available

  • Invasive blood test
  • Non invasive basic tests
  • Other tests

  • Blood Glucose
  • HbAlc
  • Hemoglobin
  • CRP
  • PCT
  • Strep A Ag
  • RSV
  • hs-CRP
  • CK-MB
  • Troponin-1
  • Beta-hCG (harmone-Urine)
  • Lipid Profile T Cholesterol
  • Lipid Profile Triglyceride
  • Lipid Profile HDL C
  • Lipid Profile LDL C
  • Lipid Profile HLD/LDL
  • Lipid Profile Non HDL
  • Typhoid
  • HIV 1&2
  • Maleria pan AG
  • Dengue NS1 Ag*
  • Dengue lgM/IgG
  • Nicotine
  • Chikungunya
  • Leptospira
  • Nicotine
  • H.Pylori
  • Srub Typhus
  • Elephantiasis
  • Syphylis
  • D-Dimer
  • NT-ProBNP
  • TSH
  • Tuberculosis (TB)
  • LH-Luteinizing
  • Hormone
  • FOB Fecal Occult
  • Blood
  • HCV Ab

  • Height
  • Weight
  • BMI
  • Blood Pressure
  • Sp02
  • Temperature
  • Peak Flow (Spiro)



  • Legionella Ag
  • S.Pnuemoniae Ag
  • U-Albumin (Urine)
  • Leukocytes*
  • Nitrite*
  • Urobilinogen*
  • Protein*
  • pH*
  • Hemoglobin*
  • Specific Gravity*
  • Ketone*
  • Bilirubin*
  • Glucose*

Other Test

  • Ent test (otoscope camera)
  • Skin test (dermascope camera)
  • Vision Test
  • (Far and near distance software based)
  • ECG 12 lead
  • Stethoscope
  • Alcohol Detection

Coming Soon Tests

  • FSG
  • PRL
  • LH
  • T3, T4
  • PSA
  • Vitamin D
  • Cystatin C
  • Infiuenza A/B
  • Zika lgM/lgG

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Diagnostic ECG

Mobile Radiography

ultrasound for cardiology

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